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Problem on postback after tab generated dynamically

Feb 09, 2018 09:43 AM|chandan01|LINK

hi there,

I tried to generate tabs dynamically on a dropdownlist selectedindex change event and i am successed. But while i change the list item of the drop downlist it throws me error line the description shows below.

Purble place ios wallpaper. In which we play Purble Place. In which we play Purble Place. Monday, December 7 2020. 2018 05 13DEVOPS DOCKER SWARM. Sky Whale: Game Shaker – IOS Nickelodeon Games. 34 thoughts on 'Purble Place' Paras Srivastav says: May 16, 2020 at 2:54 pm Dude are you colorblind. Panda Restaurant 2. Panda Restaurant 2 is an Educational, Time Management, and Single.


Ddlvillage Non Funziona

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: value

Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: value
Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.2556.0 ]

The code i am giving bellow

// Front end


<%@ Page Language='C#' MasterPageFile='~/OCPL_MAST.Master' AutoEventWireup='true' CodeBehind='Acquisition_Annihiliation.aspx.cs' Inherits='OCPL.Application.New_Land_Management.Acquisition_Annihiliation' %>
<%@ Register Assembly='AjaxControlToolkit' Namespace='AjaxControlToolkit' TagPrefix='asp' %>

Land Acquisition Management

  1. Home

  2. Land Acquisition Management


// back end

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using BAL;
using UtilityClass;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace OCPL.Application.New_Land_Management
public partial class Acquisition_Annihiliation : System.Web.UI.Page
//AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer tabmenu;
string ddlval = ';
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)

private void loadproject()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = CommonClass.ViewDataWithOutConditon('select PROJ_CODE,PROJ_NAME from PROJECT_DETAIL_MASTER');
ddlproject.DataSource = dt;
ddlproject.DataTextField = 'PROJ_NAME';
ddlproject.DataValueField = 'PROJ_CODE';
protected void ddlproject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ddlval = ddlproject.SelectedValue;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = CommonClass.ViewDataWithOutConditon('select VILL_NAME,VILL_CODE from VILLAGE_CODE_MASTER where PROJ_CODE='+ddlproject.SelectedValue+'');
ddlvillage.DataSource = dt;
ddlvillage.DataTextField = 'VILL_NAME';
ddlvillage.DataValueField = 'VILL_CODE';
ddlvillage.Items.Insert(0, 'Select');
protected void ddlvillage_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
tabmenu_Init(sender, e);
protected void tabmenu_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (ddlvillage.SelectedIndex != 0)
dt = CommonClass.ViewDataWithOutConditon('select distinct LAC_NO from LA_CASE_WISE_LAND_SCHEDULE where PROJ_Code=' + ddlproject.SelectedValue + ' and VILL_CODE=' + ddlvillage.SelectedValue + ' and LAND_CLASS='Govt.');
for (int i = 0; dt.Rows.Count - 1 >= i; i++)
AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel tabpnl = new AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel();
tabpnl.ID = 'Tab1' + i.ToString();
tabpnl.HeaderText = 'Tab' + dt.Rows[i]['LAC_NO'].ToString();


Button btn = new Button();
btn.ID = 'txtbx' + tabpnl.ID;
btn.Text = 'hello';


tabmenu.ActiveTabIndex = 0;
catch (Exception ep)
throw ep;



使用几个display=none的空间存储DropdownList中的值,点击Search Button后刷新页面再次给DropdownList赋值使用




由于前面JS中Get的为Json数据,在ProcessRequest中设置:context.Response.ContentType = 'text/json';


  1. jQuery中ajax调用当前页面方法

    $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'AddressManager.aspx/GetProvince',//AddressManager.aspx当前页面 data: '{cach ..

  2. 使用反射机制实现jQuery调用ashx类中的指定方法

    使用反射机制实现jQuery调用ashx类中的指定方法 近期用asp.net做个小网站,但又不喜欢使用asp.net的服务器端控件,经过一番思量后确定前端采用原始的html.后台采用Linq to ..

  3. jquery.ajax请求aspx和ashx的异同 Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法

    1.jquery.ajax请求aspx 请求aspx的静态方法要注意一下问题: (1)aspx的后台方法必须静态,而且添加webmethod特性 (2)在ajax方法中contentType必须是'a ..

  4. 在子jsp页面中调用父jsp中的function或父jsp调用子页面中的function

    项目场景: A.jsp中有一个window,window里嵌入了一个,通过<iframe>引入了另一个页面B.jsp.在B.jsp中的一个function中需要 ..</p></li><li>Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法<p>Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法 在 webform开发中,用jQuery ajax传值一般有几种玩法 1)普通玩法:通过一般处理程序ashx进行处理: 2)高级玩法:通过as ..</p></li><li>Ajax调用处理页面错误信息500的解决思路<p>最近在做项目的时候遇到一个问题:(李昌辉) 在本地服务器上做好之后,部署到阿里云虚拟主机,结果访问页面出现问题,由于登录使用的是AJAX调用处理页面,所以在点击登录的时候没有任何反应. 打开F12调试 ..</p></li><li>js 和 css 中 不能使用 jsp 页面中一些 标签 和 java 代码等,应注意<p>js 和 css 中 不能使用 jsp 页面中一些 标签 和 java 代码等,应注意 如 ${ } <%%> 等</p></li><li>jQuery 互相调用iframe页面中js的方法<p>1,子iframe内调用父类函数方法: window.parent.func(); 2,子Iframe中获取父界面的元素: $('#xx', window.parent.docum ..</p></li><li>ashx页面中context.Session[&quot;xxx&quot;]获取不到值的解决办法<p>在 aspx和aspx.cs中,都是以Session['xxx']='aaa'和aaa=Session['xxx'].ToString()进 ..</p></li></ol><h2>随机推荐</h2><h2 id='ddlvillage'>Ddlvillage</h2><ol><li>ios10 UNNtificationRequest UNUserNotificationCenter的应用 推送之本地推送<p>iOS10 已经 'deprected' 我们的UILocalNotification 采用了全新的UNUserNotificationCenter; 1 首先,你需要引进< ..</p></li><li>Java开发中经典的小实例-(100能被3整除的数打印出来)<p>public class Test21 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated meth ..</p><p><a href=''>


Problem on postback after tab generated dynamically

Feb 09, 2018 09:43 AM|chandan01|LINK

hi there,

I tried to generate tabs dynamically on a dropdownlist selectedindex change event and i am successed. But while i change the list item of the drop downlist it throws me error line the description shows below.

Purble place ios wallpaper. In which we play Purble Place. In which we play Purble Place. Monday, December 7 2020. 2018 05 13DEVOPS DOCKER SWARM. Sky Whale: Game Shaker – IOS Nickelodeon Games. 34 thoughts on 'Purble Place' Paras Srivastav says: May 16, 2020 at 2:54 pm Dude are you colorblind. Panda Restaurant 2. Panda Restaurant 2 is an Educational, Time Management, and Single.


Ddlvillage Non Funziona

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: value

Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: value
Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.2556.0 ]

The code i am giving bellow

// Front end

<%@ Page Language='C#' MasterPageFile='~/OCPL_MAST.Master' AutoEventWireup='true' CodeBehind='Acquisition_Annihiliation.aspx.cs' Inherits='OCPL.Application.New_Land_Management.Acquisition_Annihiliation' %>
<%@ Register Assembly='AjaxControlToolkit' Namespace='AjaxControlToolkit' TagPrefix='asp' %>

Land Acquisition Management

  1. Home

  2. Land Acquisition Management

// back end

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using BAL;
using UtilityClass;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace OCPL.Application.New_Land_Management
public partial class Acquisition_Annihiliation : System.Web.UI.Page
//AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer tabmenu;
string ddlval = ';
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)

private void loadproject()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = CommonClass.ViewDataWithOutConditon('select PROJ_CODE,PROJ_NAME from PROJECT_DETAIL_MASTER');
ddlproject.DataSource = dt;
ddlproject.DataTextField = 'PROJ_NAME';
ddlproject.DataValueField = 'PROJ_CODE';
protected void ddlproject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ddlval = ddlproject.SelectedValue;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = CommonClass.ViewDataWithOutConditon('select VILL_NAME,VILL_CODE from VILLAGE_CODE_MASTER where PROJ_CODE='+ddlproject.SelectedValue+'');
ddlvillage.DataSource = dt;
ddlvillage.DataTextField = 'VILL_NAME';
ddlvillage.DataValueField = 'VILL_CODE';
ddlvillage.Items.Insert(0, 'Select');
protected void ddlvillage_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
tabmenu_Init(sender, e);
protected void tabmenu_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (ddlvillage.SelectedIndex != 0)
dt = CommonClass.ViewDataWithOutConditon('select distinct LAC_NO from LA_CASE_WISE_LAND_SCHEDULE where PROJ_Code=' + ddlproject.SelectedValue + ' and VILL_CODE=' + ddlvillage.SelectedValue + ' and LAND_CLASS='Govt.');
for (int i = 0; dt.Rows.Count - 1 >= i; i++)
AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel tabpnl = new AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel();
tabpnl.ID = 'Tab1' + i.ToString();
tabpnl.HeaderText = 'Tab' + dt.Rows[i]['LAC_NO'].ToString();


Button btn = new Button();
btn.ID = 'txtbx' + tabpnl.ID;
btn.Text = 'hello';


tabmenu.ActiveTabIndex = 0;
catch (Exception ep)
throw ep;



使用几个display=none的空间存储DropdownList中的值,点击Search Button后刷新页面再次给DropdownList赋值使用




由于前面JS中Get的为Json数据,在ProcessRequest中设置:context.Response.ContentType = 'text/json';


  1. jQuery中ajax调用当前页面方法

    $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'AddressManager.aspx/GetProvince',//AddressManager.aspx当前页面 data: '{cach ..

  2. 使用反射机制实现jQuery调用ashx类中的指定方法

    使用反射机制实现jQuery调用ashx类中的指定方法 近期用asp.net做个小网站,但又不喜欢使用asp.net的服务器端控件,经过一番思量后确定前端采用原始的html.后台采用Linq to ..

  3. jquery.ajax请求aspx和ashx的异同 Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法

    1.jquery.ajax请求aspx 请求aspx的静态方法要注意一下问题: (1)aspx的后台方法必须静态,而且添加webmethod特性 (2)在ajax方法中contentType必须是'a ..

  4. 在子jsp页面中调用父jsp中的function或父jsp调用子页面中的function

    项目场景: A.jsp中有一个window,window里嵌入了一个,通过<iframe>引入了另一个页面B.jsp.在B.jsp中的一个function中需要 ..</p></li><li>Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法<p>Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法 在 webform开发中,用jQuery ajax传值一般有几种玩法 1)普通玩法:通过一般处理程序ashx进行处理: 2)高级玩法:通过as ..</p></li><li>Ajax调用处理页面错误信息500的解决思路<p>最近在做项目的时候遇到一个问题:(李昌辉) 在本地服务器上做好之后,部署到阿里云虚拟主机,结果访问页面出现问题,由于登录使用的是AJAX调用处理页面,所以在点击登录的时候没有任何反应. 打开F12调试 ..</p></li><li>js 和 css 中 不能使用 jsp 页面中一些 标签 和 java 代码等,应注意<p>js 和 css 中 不能使用 jsp 页面中一些 标签 和 java 代码等,应注意 如 ${ } <%%> 等</p></li><li>jQuery 互相调用iframe页面中js的方法<p>1,子iframe内调用父类函数方法: window.parent.func(); 2,子Iframe中获取父界面的元素: $('#xx', window.parent.docum ..</p></li><li>ashx页面中context.Session[&quot;xxx&quot;]获取不到值的解决办法<p>在 aspx和aspx.cs中,都是以Session['xxx']='aaa'和aaa=Session['xxx'].ToString()进 ..</p></li></ol><h2>随机推荐</h2><h2 id='ddlvillage'>Ddlvillage</h2><ol><li>ios10 UNNtificationRequest UNUserNotificationCenter的应用 推送之本地推送<p>iOS10 已经 'deprected' 我们的UILocalNotification 采用了全新的UNUserNotificationCenter; 1 首先,你需要引进< ..</p></li><li>Java开发中经典的小实例-(100能被3整除的数打印出来)<p>public class Test21 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated meth ..</p><p><a href=''><img src='' alt='Programming' title='Programming'></a></p></li><li>Java_JDK_HashMap<p>(二)HashMap 需要注意的无非几点: 是什么结构,如何存储的? 如何加入元素?既然是hashMap,那么是如何计算hashcode的呢?遇到冲突又是如何解决的呢? 如何删除元素? 当容量不够时是 ..</p></li><li>mysql数据库编码<p>MySQL数据库默认的编码是: character set :latin1 collation : latin1_swedish_ci 查看MySQL支持的编码: mysql> show cha ..</p></li><li>Linux----函数中变量的作用域、local关键字。<p>问题引出: 问题说明: shell的函数中如果变量的前面没有加local关键字.在全局作用域内存在这个变量名的情况下.函数中会直接使用这个变量 而不是自己创建一个.要想做到在函数创建一个变量也是可以的 ..</p></li><li>【原创】大数据基础之ElasticSearch(3)升级<p>elasticsearch版本升级方案 常用的滚动升级过程(Rolling Upgrade)如下: $ curl -XPUT '$es_server:9200/_cluster/settings?pr ..</p></li><li>推荐写作平台gitbook&mdash;&mdash;让我们换一种形式写作<p> 我一直用这个平台进行写作.目前有两本电子书可以供大家阅读,分别如下 Office 365 开发入门指南 ..</p></li><li>ROLAP、MOLAP和HOLAP区别<p>对没有使用过数据仓库的人,对这三个概念确实是有点混淆不清.包括我自己本身不是做数据仓库出身,所以实际上是从实践出发,理论基础是有点匮乏的. 一.基本概念 1. OLAP OLAP(on-Line An ..</p></li><li>使Apache支持PHP<p>1.用记事本打开Apache安装目录下conf文件夹中的httpd.conf文件,找到LoadModule部分的配置代码,在该部分添加下面的代码,将PHP模块加载到Apache服务中,使得Apache ..</p></li><li>mysql四种修改密码的方式<p>方法1: 用SET PASSWORD命令 首先登录MySQL. 格式:mysql> set password for 用户名@localhost = password('新密码'); 例子:my ..</p></li></ol><br><br><br><br>

broken image